ELLIS Delft Talk by Guillaume Rongier

Online Event

Going beyond empirical relationships in geology: The example of total organic carbon 01 FEBRUARI 2022 16:00 Speaker: Guillaume Rongier Abstract: While machine learning has a long history in geology, empirical relationships remain widely used. Through the example of total organic carbon (TOC), this talk will illustrate the close links between empirical relationships and machine learning, and […]

Human-Centred AI Systems Community Festival

Online Event

During this Human-Centred AI Systems (HCAIS) Community Festival we welcome all interested TU Delft colleagues to join us in exploring the meaning and impact of human centeredness in relation to AI-research happening across our university and in the Delft AI Labs. Human-centric AI is inherently transdisciplinary as it brings together science and practice in human-machine interaction, […]

AiTech Agora: Kars Alfrink – Contestable AI

As the use of AI systems continues to increase, so do concerns over its negative social consequences, including the infringement of the human right to autonomy. This risk can be mitigated by ensuring AI systems are contestable by design: responsive to human intervention throughout the system lifecycle. Contestable AI by design is a small but […]

Workshop series “Issues in XAI #4:” Explanatory AI: Between ethics and epistemology”

TU Delft Delft

See TUDelft.nl for more information on this event The workshop focuses on the normative and epistemic aspects of explainable AI (XAI). The two are especially relevant to each other in this specific case. In fact, the goal of XAI is first and foremost epistemic in providing knowledge or understanding of the inner workings of AI […]

ELLIS Talk by Hayley Hung

Online Event

In search of the optimal model for social conversational interaction. Abstract In this talk, I will describe a problem I have been working on in the last decade to estimate and model conversing groups in crowded social networking events. Like much of my research, I combine social science theory with machine learning to solve machine […]

AiTech Agora: Kostas Tsiakas – Designing Human-AI interactions using Explainable and Human-in-the-Loop AI

Online Event

In this talk, I will briefly present my work on Human-AI Interaction and the applications of Machine Learning for user modelling and personalization of human-centered AI (HCAI) systems for applications in healthcare and education. More specifically, I will discuss different cases of human-AI interactions with respect to human autonomy and user involvement in the learning […]

HCAIS Deep Dive: A Crowd Computing Perspective

Next Delft MOLENGRAAFFSINGEL 8, 2629JD Delft

Abstract The unprecedented rise in the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques and automation in many contexts is concomitant with shortcomings of such technology with respect to robustness, interpretability, usability, and trustworthiness. Crowd computing offers a viable means to leverage human intelligence at scale for data creation, enrichment, and interpretation, demonstrating a great potential to improve […]

AI Meet Up: Ethiek & AI (Mondai)

Mondai House of AI @ NextDelft

Mondai House of AI en AI-wetenschappers van de TU Delft presenteren maandelijks een editie in de serie AI Meet Ups. Op 27 september vindt de eerste editie plaats in Mondai House of AI op de TU Delft Campus met het thema Ethiek en AI. Met het gebruik van digitale technologieën en AI in het bijzonder komen dringende […]

Design for AI Symposium

Mondai House of AI @ NextDelft

Mondai House of AI en de TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) faculteit heten iedereen van harte welkom op het eerste Europese Design for AI Symposium op 14 oktober 2022. Hoe ontwerpen we plaats en mogelijkheid voor menselijke groei en welzijn in een wereld vol kunstmatige intelligentie? Hoe bouwen we veilige en betekenisvolle relaties tussen AI en […]