Let’s keep in touch!

We’re happy to hear from you.

Got something to share?

Great, we love to share AI-related news, reports and (public) events! Give us a heads up at [email protected]. Please make sure it’s relevant for the Zuid-Holland region and has added value for our community.

Want to know more about funding and business opportunities in Zuid-Holland?

We highly recommend you to contact our friends from InnovationQuarter. InnovationQuarter is the regional economic development agency that supports the regional ecosystem with investments and innovation. They’d love to speak with you about opportunities and can answer any question you might have.

Visit InnovationQuarter, check if you are eligible for the Investment Funds or Get in touch!

Interested in expanding your (international) AI-related business in Zuid-Holland?

Get in touch with InnovationQuarter. InnovationQuarter is the regional economic development agency for the Province of Zuid-Holland, also known as the Greater Rotterdam-The Hague area. Their experienced team assists foreign companies free of charge in every step of the international expansion process; from first inquiry to growing the business in the Greater Rotterdam-The Hague area.

Visit investinrotterdamthehaguearea.org and Get in touch!