WOLVERINE 2021: Workshop on Open Problems in Learning and Verification of Neural Networks

Online Event

The goal of WOLVERINE is to foster networking and active discussions with a hope to spark new interdisciplinary collaborations. WOLVERINE welcomes researchers in formal methods, machine learning, and their intersection. The goal of WOLVERINE is to foster networking and active discussions with a hope to spark new interdisciplinary collaborations. WOLVERINE welcomes researchers in formal methods, […]

Human-Machine Partnerships in the Future of Work: Exploring the Role of Emerging Technologies in Future Workplaces

Online Event

Overview In this workshop ‘Human-Machine Partnerships in the Future of Work: Exploring the Role of Emerging Technologies in Future Workplaces’ we seek to unpack the meaning of human-machine partnerships (HMP) by highlighting that how we define HMP will shape how we design technologies in/for the future of work. We discuss social and design implications in […]

Special: AI & Ethics series

Online Event

André Krom - LUMC - AI & Ethics Title: How to navigate ethical issues in AI research

AI for E&S Think Tank 24: Agent-based modelling of energy policy

Online Event

By Emile Chappin, Associate professor, Co-director TPM Energy Transition Lab, TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method or their […]

Webinar Human Centered AI

Online Event

Data and data technology have become an integral part of anything we do and helps us in many ways. In our work, during study, on the road, in fact throughout our daily lives. Data technology makes things easier, more accessible, faster, we make fewer mistakes. We also increasingly trust that the data we use and/or […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 25: How can AI help us to make the best out of the subsurface?

Online Event

By Guillaume Rongier, Assistant Professor, Geoscience & Engineering, CITG TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method or their promising […]

DEI4EAI Workshop 3: Embodied AI & Ableism

Online Event

Registration deadline: 4 November 2021, anytime on Earth How can we unpack if and how seemingly "neutral" AI embeds racism or other forms of bias that demonstrate systemic injustice? Bias in AI comes in many forms. Voice assistants may not recognize certain accents, image recognition algorithms may mislabel people based on assumed race and gender, […]

SAILS Lunch Time Seminar AI & Ethics

Online Event

Linnet Taylor: AI & Ethics Title: The politics of AI ethics Abstract: The process of setting rules and norms for computing processes and applications has been dominated by requirements engineering and formalisable, rather than ‘thick’ interpretations of central concepts including fairness, responsibility, trust and participation. Yet computing science experts and other disciplines such as law […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 26: AiDAPT lab: perspective and prospects

Online Event

By Seyran Khademi, Assistant Professor Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture, Co-director of AiDAPT lab, TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial […]

Symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

Online Event

Organised by The Academic Fringe Festival and CHI Netherlands 10 NOVEMBER 2021 09:00 TILL 12 NOVEMBER 2021 17:00 - LOCATION: ONLINE, HOSTED FROM DELFT IN THE NETHERLANDS Human Computation and Crowdsourcing have become ubiquitous in the world of algorithm augmentation and data management. However, humans have various cognitive biases that influence the way they make […]

Leiden Data Science meetup

PLNT Langegracht 70, Leiden

16:00 - 16:05 Welcome and agenda 16:05 - 16:10 Introductions Introduction to key members of the community, including Luris and Leiden Bio Science Park, who helped put this event together. 16:10 - 16:35 - 1st session Bart Geerts from Healthplus.ai is lined up as our first speaker. Bart is an active physician and entrepreneur. Healthplus.ai […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 27: Graph Neural Networks in Uncertain Environments

Online Event

By Elvin Isufi, Assistant Professor, Co-director of AIdrolab, Multimedia Computing Group, EEMCS, TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method […]