AI for E&S Think Tank 28: Using machine learning for climate and energy policy

Online Event

By Nihit Goyal, Assistant Professor, Multi-Actor Systems, TPM, TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method or their promising use […]

Algoritmen die werken voor iedereen [NL AIC participants only]

Jaarbeurs Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht

only in Dutch Op 23 november 2021 organiseert de Nederlandse AI Coalitie een evenement exclusief voor haar deelnemers en partners. Het programma onderstreept de meerwaarde van samenwerking op AI-gebied in Nederland en de NL AIC en is gericht op AI-kennisoverdracht, inspireert door resultaten en toepassingen in de praktijk te laten zien en biedt een netwerkmogelijkheid […]

Hackathon for good – The Hague #4

Online Event

Hackathon for Good is an open invitation to anyone with a hacker mindset and the passion to work on data and AI for impact. We are curious about the possibilities of new technologies. We want to apply them for good. To solve things that truly matter. All across the world. Our mission is to connect […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 29: Safety and Resiliency of Dynamical Systems: the Dual Role of Uncertainty

Online Event

By Riccardo Ferrari, Assistant Professor, Fault Tolerant Control, Delft Center for Systems and Control, 3ME TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial […]

Kennissessie ‘Kunstmatige intelligentie: kansen en gevaren’ [Dutch]

Online Event

De opkomst van kunstmatige intelligentie (KI) is niet te stuiten en brengt ongekende transformaties teweeg in bijna alle denkbare industrieën en sectoren. In toenemende mate kunnen cognitieve systemen net als mensen analyseren, denken en voorspellen door opgedane ervaring. De mens zelf zal op vele vlakken worden voorbijgestreefd door snellere, slimmere en completere KI-systemen. Deze ontwikkelingen […]

ELLIS Delft Talk: Causality & Machine Learning

Online Event

Speaker: Jesse Krijthe Abstract: Whereas much of statistics & machine learning is concerned with learning relationships in a static world, causal inference is concerned with estimating the effects of making changes in the world. How can machine learning help solve this causal inference problem, and how does causality help us solve problems in machine learning? In […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 30: The use of AI in the design of new chemical processes

Online Event

By María del Mar Pérez-Fortes, Assistant Professor, Engineering Systems and Services, TPM TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 30: The use of AI in the design of new chemical processes

Online Event

By María del Mar Pérez-Fortes, Assistant Professor, Engineering Systems and Services, TPM TU Delft More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with either a promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) method […]

Value Sensitive Design and the Future of Value Alignment in AI

Online Event

After six decades of research and development, aligning AI systems with our goals, intents, and values remains an elusive objective. How do we make sure that AI models capture our norms and values, understand what we mean or intend, and, above all, do what we want? This online round-table discussion aims to discuss whether and […]

AI for E&S Think Tank 31: Federated Learning with Taskonomy

Online Event

By Hadi Jamali-Rad, Assistant Professor, Department of intelligent systems, the Computer Vision Lab, TU Delft, and Lead Research Scientist with Shell More information and registration The AI for Energy and Sustainability (E&S) Think Tank is a novel series of events hosted by the DAI Energy Lab and the PowerWeb Institute. Every Monday 13:00-13:45 CET, we zoom in on research with […]